Poetic Illustrations on YouTube

Poetic Illustrations on YouTube
Poetic Illustrations on YouTube

Forced Relocation of A Continent of People

"315 years. 20,528 voyages. Millions of lives."

The Trans-Atlantic Slave Route and the gory details of hundreds of years of slavery have been considerably consolidated and meticulously captured in the following impressive video thanks Slate's Andrew Kahn.

Sometimes, fewer words are better. Watching this speaks volumes for itself. Please read the details in the article in this link pertaining to the information contained in the video, for instance how Mr. Kahn designed each dot representing an individual ship to be interactive. A viewer can click on each dot to see relevant information regarding the ship such as the country of origin, flag, and destination.

Ramadan: More than just fasting

Picture source:  https://indianexpress.com/article/lifestyle/life-style/happy-ramadan-2019-ramzan-mubarak-wishes-images-quotes-status-wallp...